Studio Aids

Professional Documents Are an Important Part of Running Your Studio.

Whether you teach piano part-time or full-time, professional documents will benefit your business.

Using the Studio Aids

  1. Help parents and students understand the way your studio works with a Studio Policy.
  2. Keep organized information regarding student birthdays, hobbies, school schedules, and more.
  3. Get paid on time with clear, precise tuition invoices.
  4. Keep your students up to date on great recitals and concerts in your area.
  5. And MUCH more…

Piano Discoveries Shop has dozens of forms, templates and documents & worksheets to use in your studio.

Provide students with a fun and exciting way to practice elementary theory terms.  This crossword puzzle includes 10 early elementary music terms and definitions — tie, whole note, repeat sign, quarter note, half note, bar line, slur, double bar line, measure and staff.