Happy Holidays from Piano Discoveries!

At Piano Discoveries, we really enjoy all of the seasons and the various holidays that come throughout the year.  But Thanksgiving and Christmas are all-time favorites.  With Christmas it is the music, decorations, food, surprises, a change from regular routines and the opportunity to spend “down time” with family and friends.

Christmas can be magical and glorious.  The lights, fun activities, and traditions of home.  One of the very best ways to get into the holiday spirit is through listening to, and playing, the myriads of arrangements of traditional and contemporary Christmas carols.  This year our attention has been even more focused on the joy of music — and not just of Christmas carols, but also of the great composers.  At Piano Discoveries we have a renewed sense of appreciation and wonderment for those who toiled over their craft to leave a legacy of sounds and emotions for each of us to enjoy.

In honor of these great men (and women), and in celebration of this wonderful holiday season, please enjoy this musical tribute to the notable musicians who were born in December — 2010 holiday video.

Piano Discoveries wishes you a holiday season full of joy and happiness.  And may it be filled with the sweet sounds of beautiful music.

Merry Christmas,



Owner, Piano Discoveries

Provide students with a fun and exciting way to practice elementary theory terms.  This crossword puzzle includes 10 early elementary music terms and definitions — tie, whole note, repeat sign, quarter note, half note, bar line, slur, double bar line, measure and staff.