Let's Have Fun!

It’s human to want to have fun.  Light-hearted joy is so good for the soul,  and it keeps us wanting more.  More joy.  More fun.  And in this case, more piano lessons!

But let’s be honest.  Piano lessons that only follow a method book program week after week after week, without any variety or creativity, gets boring!  For students especially.  But also for teachers.  Sometimes (often!) it is beneficial for the student and the teacher to infuse the lesson with some pure fun (but which can also teach).

You don’t have to give up teaching and learning to have a good time.  What you have to do is add in something different.

Holidays are an easy way to infuse some joyful fun into your piano music lessons.  And Piano Discoveries has made it extremely easy for you by doing the work for you!

Play a Game

Piano Discoveries has created a music symbol matching game specifically for Valentine’s Day!  This product comes with 4 pages of matched musical symbols.  As the teacher, you will print out these pages (firm paper works best), cut out the hearts, and then mix them up for a fun musical activity in the lesson.  Laminate the hearts for longer-lasting use.  You can go head-to-head with your student, OR incorporate it into a group lesson.

Or just as fun, is to include this game in a Valentine’s Day studio gift to give to your students.  Let them take it home and play with their family. 

The options are endless.

Where can I get it?

Easy!  Piano Discoveries has options for you.  You can easily download it right from our Piano Discoveries Shop.

Or you can find us on our expanded shops at Etsy and TeachersPayTeachers.

Have fun playing!
