
A Successful Studio Requires Good Teaching and Good Business Management!

Piano Discoveries is here to help you excel in both aspects of running your studio.

The Role of the Teacher

A good teacher knows that all children are capable of learning. The teacher’s role is to teach in a way that students will always go home with assignments they understand so that students can recreate correctly at home what they’ve learned in the lesson.

Additionally, a teacher is responsible for creating an environment of encouragement and excitement. Students will excel when lessons are fun and rewarding. Give lots of positive comments/feedback when students need help and great praise for successful performing.

At Piano Discoveries we offer many materials, resources, and ideas for you to use in your teaching. Please explore this website today and enjoy what we have to offer in your studio!

“ I think that a large part of the problem in this country is that people are taught how to be taught by someone else, but they are not taught how to be their own teachers.” — Vladimir Horowitz

Running a Professional Business

A piano studio is a business, whether it is run on a part-time or full-time basis. For a teacher to run a skilled and professional studio he/she must use basic practices of business management.

An efficient studio has good equipment (in-tune piano, pencils, adequate lighting, quiet space for teaching, etc.) AND studio documents to help the teacher stay organized, give students information on what to expect with lessons, and promotes the business (such as studio policy, enrollment form, invoices, profit and loss statements, business cards, and more).

Piano Discoveries is here to help you set up and run the business end of your studio.  Piano Discoveries Worksheets & Printables has dozens of forms, templates and documents & worksheets to use in your studio.

Provide students with a fun and exciting way to practice elementary theory terms.  This crossword puzzle includes 10 early elementary music terms and definitions — tie, whole note, repeat sign, quarter note, half note, bar line, slur, double bar line, measure and staff.